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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

IP address shown instead of username

posts: 54 Germany


I know, that there is the possibility to hide the IP address in the page history under tiki-admin.php?page=wiki.

This works fine in the history, but under each wiki page (where authors are named collaborative) and in the page listing (having the fields for creator and last modifier activated) there appears instead of "admin" the IP address of my server 😕.

I then enabled "show real name instead of nickname, if set" under tiki-admin.php?page=general - and it changed "admin" to my real name, but only in the Home Page.

So the Home Page is actually the only page, where I am called as "admin". In each other pages the IP instead of "admin" is shown.

Has anyone an idea, what to do / change, to avoid this?

Thanks in advance!


posts: 54 Germany

Now I tried several settings ...

it seems to depend on the admin-group, because, when I assign an user to the group "admins", it is shown the IP instead of the name of the user.

But if I give an user the (only admin permission) tiki_p_admin, it is correctly shown his name, not the IP.

I certainly could now write under another name, but I would like to remain "admin" and being called so - the IP address might seem strange to visitors and users 😕

posts: 54 Germany

The problem is bigger than I thought 😑

Now i tested really all combinations with admin, approver and users (registered).

It seems to be an error only by the first settings of a page, depending on the staging and approval system:

  • Every time a new page is created (equal, if by admin, approver or registered) in the staging version the name is correctly shown as "created by" and "creator" (in the page listing and under the page).

  • Then after approval (equal, if by admin or approver)

    • the page description disappears (I mentioned this in another posting before) and

    • the creator of the page is changed, it means: instead of the user's name (who created the page) now there is shown the IP of the approver (or admin).

    • So in the page itself and in the page listing the IP (of the approver) is shown as creator, and in the history the "user" of the page and the "comment" are changed. Please see the screenshot I attached, for better explanation of this "change in history".

  • By edit of an existing page, this doesn't occure! - You see in the screenshot, that in the second version of the page there are correctly shown the "user" with his name and "comment" with an comment, that the page was approved by named approver.

With this issue I can't publish my site 😑😑 - it's running under german law, and I don't want to risk trouble cause of publishing "personal associated data", as the IP is one ...

Any help is really appreciated!

Thanks, Rontu

posts: 54 Germany

Could someone help me❓

Maybe just tell me, if this issue is on your Tiki (using the staging and approval), too ...

Cause I don't know, if I've done a wrong configuration or if should write a bug report.

Thank you,