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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Upgrade 2.0 to 2.2: (1) Howto - (2) user registration bug

posts: 19 Germany

1. Environment facts:
My system was upgraded - as far as I remember - :
from 1.9.9 to 1.9.10 - then to 2.0.
DB : structure + content maintained.
Inside only: approx. 100 Wiki-pages + 20 users.

2. Upgrade problem : Lacking Howto?
Uploaded to the server (shared hosting):
Upgrade package: tikiwiki-inc-2.0-to-2.2.tar.gz
I studied README (inside this package).
The howto file "INSTALLER" - mentioned there - is not present.
This mention probably refers to INSTALLER in the MAIN package
- but that could not be considered as specific enough.

3. Question - is the following o.k.?
I guess the lacking howto info as follows:
a) uncompact the file set within your current tikiwiki system.
. (hence: overwrite current files)
b) Set permissions where required
. (REM: permission 777 not tolerated for me
. = hoster lunarpages.com - worked fine with 755, some required 775)
c) Run the file /installer/tiki-installer.php

4. Data base: No upload, no change
Most upgrades concern running systems...
So I typically would do the upgrad with the option of NOT re-installing
the DB. (in my case: MySQL)

If my instruction is o.k., I suggest to add a corresponding
short text file like "INTALL-UPGRADE" in future upgrade packages.
A short minimal HOWTO in the location where you expect it,
would avoid a lot of error risks.

For the very different DB bug problem for upgrading, I will make a second post in this thread.

posts: 19 Germany

this is the 2nd of my 2 postings:

B.1. FACTS: User registration: does not work:
After upgrading from 1.9.9. ... 1,9.10 ... 2.0
now in 2.0 the user registration does not any more work.
The user gets a confirmation mail with a link like:
which does not do the job.

B.2. FACTS: When admin tries to create the link:

Query is:

insert into `users_users`(`login`, `password`, `email`, `provpass`, `registrationDate`, `hash`, `pass_confirm`, `email_confirm`, `created`, `valid`, `openid_url`, `lastLogin`, `waiting`) values('sarbel',,'nospam@terra-unika.com',,'1231410389','$1$aIEBt3dX$cC7OGbSEHRQTBEGwtgvBP0','1231410389','1231410389','1231410389',NULL,NULL,NULL,'u')

Error is:
Unknown column 'email_confirm' in 'field list'

B.3. Supposed ???bug??? :
The official DB structure was probably meantime extended with the fields
`pass_confirm`, `email_confirm`,
the software of 2.0 requires these fields,
so upgrading to 2.0. had to include some minimal DB structure modification?

B.4. Possible solutions?
If this would be the only change, then it would be the easiest way to
extend the DB interactively / manually on the server with these two fields.
I could look up the field types in the SQL installer of current Tikiwiki 2.2.

B.5. My SOS question :
Hopeful that some wise possessor of knowledge will find the time to
communicate his opinion, and then I will proceed correspondingly...

If there would be far more DB modifs between 1.9.9. and 2.0 or 2.2,
then administrators should better do a re-install of 2.2. ,
with download / upload of the data of the running system...

posts: 19 Germany

Many many thanks.

I will follow the recommendation and then report here the result,
so others can also benefit from it.

By the way, I did not yet do the upgrade. It is just what I wanted to do.

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