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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

PluginSql not working??

posts: 20


Does anyone know why a page with {SQL} will not load in tiki? I have confirmed that my dsn settings are correct by executing the same sql with the same username pw on the box itself - yet when I do the same via tiki - the page hangs.

I have also confirmed that my settings are correct in separate instance of tiki - where the query works!!

Both instances are running Tiki 2.2 - connecting to the same separate mysql db.

I am totally baffled at this point on what is going on....any help is greatly appreciated.


posts: 289 United States

Don't quote me on this but I'm wondering if the plugin has been disallowed/denied access because it's considered a security risk. I can't remember if this is true or not but I think it's a possibility.

Also, does anything on the Plugin SQL page on the documentation site help?

posts: 20

I've used the Plugin SQL page to get the sandbox working. So yes - it helped me set up the Dsn, set the permissions and create the query.

The only thing I did differently - is that on the sandbox - I created the permission by doing the sql insert into users_permissions - and on my production box I saw that the permission is created when I set up the DSN.

I have also confirmed that the dsn settings are correct - and that the connection works on the box outside of tiki....

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