Re: email validation on registration: does anything additional need to be installed?
well, that's a fair question. donotreply is not actually an address defined, however the domain is real. I also tried a valid email, which gives me the same result.
So that said, Do I need to have a valid email, and does it have to be on the domain that tiki is created on?
Sorry for replying so late, but in the meantime I decided to start over with tiki 3.0. FWIW I get a different message now (You will receive an email with information to login for the first time into this site) but the email never comes still, with both a valid email and donotreply.
One thing I like about the tw 3.0 installer is that it tests a php mail on installation. The test was successful in that it sent a mail to info at, so now i know that the server setup is not causing any abnormalities. I noticed there are a lot of forum posts about this behavior that i'm getting so i'll read though and see if i can make some progress. thanks!