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Re: Does Tikiwiki support UTF-8?

posts: 56 China

When talking about working fine, yes, Tikiwiki works fine for my utf-8 encoded Chinese characters too.

But I reported this bug not only because my curiosity, but also I want Tikiwiki to be a better software, not just good.

Let me prove that this is bug again with the example of Joomla 1.0.x version.

In your last post, you had said that :

MySQL can cleanly export utf-8 text from Joomla (1.5, not earlier releases, from what I read).

You were half right: Joomla! 1.5 itself can support UTF-8 perfectly, and Joomla 1.0.x (earlier releases) can't support utf-8 encoding by default.

You were half wrong: Supporting utf-8 or not, is NOTHING about MySQL (version>5.0).

That is to say, we can just modify some file inside Joomla 1.0.x to make it support utf-8 characters as good as Joomla 1.5, and you can see proper Chinese (also Japanese can) words in the SQL dump file from Joomla 1.0.x.

Can't believe it? Ok, let me give you some reality.

Someone in China had modified the Joomla 1.0.x core file, in fact, that is no more than two files, to make J1.0 support utf-8 perfectly. Don't forget, he never touch the MySQL source code, ONLY modified the Joomla 1.0.x core.

You can find the modified J1.0 install package at:


Please download it and play with it to see the effect. This package does not include a Japanese language, but you can test it with english interface, it's fine. Because we had tweaked the english language file to support utf-8 too.

I hope you really do some tests with this modified Joomla 1.0.15 package, with your Japanese characters, then export the SQL file to see the effect.

Well, via this test, I ONLY want to tell you that:

It has nothing to do with MySQL (if version>5) to support utf-8 perfectly!

If we can modify J1.0 to do this, you also can modify Tikiwiki to do this, too.


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