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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Menu 'Position' Switches to Alphabetical

posts: 7

This is a brand new 5.1 install where i'm prepping it to migrate content from an older 3.5 version I have running as an internal site. (i've done minimal setup yet, just getting my menus sorted first and then i'll be moving on)

I just added a new menu and then set it as a user-module to appear on the left column. Here is how I have it entered

User module: {menu id=43 css=y type=vert}

In the menu itself:

  • Main Heading (no URL, position 10, set as "sorted section level 0")
    • Sub-Heading 1 (with URL, position 20, set as "Option")
    • Sub-Heading 2 (with URL, position 30, set as "Option")
    • Sub-Heading 3 (with URL, position 40, set as "Option")

However, in the menu itself, the order of the menu items isn't following the "Positions" i set. It shows Sub-Heading 1 as the last, Sub-heading 2 as the first, etc. Basically, it seems to be putting the order alphabetically instead of following the positions I set.

posts: 289 United States
I'm almost afraid to say this in case it seems like I'm insulting your intelligence but have you tried clearing your Tiki caches?
posts: 7

that would mean i have intelligence to offend!

Yeah....tried that. Checked several browsers too to see if it was a browser issue.

Even tried using the little up/down arrows on the right side of Edit Menu to force the order change.....darn thing will not show in the order I want it.

posts: 289 United States

Just for kicks what about making all the sub-headings, headings and seeing what it does then? I'm kind of at a loss because in all the different versions of I've used 2-5, I don't think I've ever had the problem of it ignoring my order.

I've had problems of not getting permissions right, or knowing feature names, or not realizing that users have to be part of ALL selected user groups when assigning by user groups but not it insisting I sort menu items alphabetically! 👻

posts: 7

Nice suggestion....I set the main heading to Section Level 1 and then noticed they were all following the Position now.....didn't even need to touch the rest.


Doublechecked my 3.5 install and it's using the Sorted > Option hiearchy with no issues.

Oh well, thanks, at least it's working now....just means I have to change my mindset on how I layout the menus

posts: 289 United States

You know what, I completed missed in the original post that the user had selected sorted. 😡

  • facepalm smiley*

The solution, norris08 is to choose "section 0", not "section 0 sorted", as Rick points out.

Another mystery solved. 😀

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