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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Cannot use iframe or script tags in wiki pages.

posts: 24 United Kingdom
For some reason i cannot insert a facebook feed nor a twitter feed into any of my wiki pages? When i try to do so i get an x inserted into the iframe or script tags at the beginning of the code. Please see attached file. Any help with this would be appreciated as i have been going round in circles for days. Thanks.
posts: 289 United States
Sorry I can't be of more help but I do know that the "X" is intentionally put there by Tiki to prevent malicious content being put on Tiki sites (a security measure). I'm assuming there are permissions that can be set to get around it. Maybe you have to set permissions for the particular page.

posts: 24 United Kingdom
Yeah it look to be a security measure but i would like to be able to use these tags on a certain page.😕
posts: 289 United States
Have you looked at the iFrame plugin (and similarly the JavaScript plugin)?

posts: 24 United Kingdom
Hi guys, this query has been on the forum for 5 days now and i know the experienced tiki users are busy with the 6.0 release but surely this forum was set up for a reason. Help please!!!

posts: 4661 Japan

Darkbee asked the right question already, about whether you tried using the plugins. Also, what Tiki version are you using? This was a problem several releases ago, but doesn't seem to affect people much recently.

-- Gary

posts: 24 United Kingdom

Hi Gary, yes i have tried the plugins but still have the same problem. I am using version 5.1 and am totally miffed by this. I think i will just wait for 6.0 and see how the upgrade works out for me.

Thanks anyways


posts: 4661 Japan
I can make an iframe successfully with this code:
Copy to clipboard
{IFRAME(width=100%, height=500px, name=frame1, align=center, frameborder=y, marginheight=10px, marginwidth=10px, scrolling=auto)}http://google.com{IFRAME}

in Tiki 5.1 (see http://zukakakina.com/New+iframe+test), so it should be possible for you also using the current code. Since it is working as expected now (for almost everyone, apparently), I doubt if there would be any changes that would make a difference for your site in Tiki 6. The insertion of those x characters looks to me like either some old Tiki files are still being used (did you upgrade this site from an earlier Tiki version?) or some other factor there at your installation.

-- Gary

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