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Error when type Vietname language ?

posts: 7

Hi all,

When i create a page, i typed Viet Nam language such as " Chào B?n ".After i saved it...

I back to Home Pages, it showed " Cha?o Ba?n"

It errored when i type Viet Nam word..

May be fix it ?

Please help me !!! Thanks all

posts: 4662 Japan

On the admin wiki page (tiki-admin.php?page=wiki), be sure "Wiki link format:" is set to "complete".

-- Gary

posts: 7

Hic, i done and it still error

Please watch image i attacked below...

i.e: i writed a article with content "Linux C?n B?n" by Viet Nam language...when save, it showed "Linux C?n B?n"

Tikiwiki not support content with vietnam language ?

Please help me ! thanks all

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Hi kingcasino and welcome to Tiki Community!

Ensure that you use the latest stable release (at least Tiki 5.1), since it has fixes to work with urf-8, and thus, it should work with vietnamese with no problem, afaik.

You have to set in all places requested by the upgrader (if you come from ealier versions from 5.x or earlier) that you set db and tables to utf-8, as well as convert content to utf-8.

Report back if any issues after that Upgrade (if needed).

I'm not usre if the documentation of Upgrades is updated, but if you have any furhter doubt, please ask again

posts: 7

Hi xavi,

Thanks for your reply...

and above problem, i fixed it...

Again, thanks all...