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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

multiple subdomains question

posts: 15

Hi all. I've just recently discovered tiki for myself after years of trying to make other independent solutions play nice together. I'm sure many of you have had deep impressions of your keyboard upon your forehead from this seemingly futile undertaking as well.

I would like to have several subdomains sharing one installation of tiki with one database. For example: forum.domain.com, wiki.domain.com, articles.domain.com, etc each with their own profile. I need to do this with one shared database if at all possible. The only information I can find in the documentation explicitly states that each domain must utilize it's own database, but I don't currently have that option.

I do have all of the necessary subdomains pointing to the same installation directory, which is at the top level of my domain. By that, I mean that forum.domain.com, wiki.domain.com, etc all point to the /www/domain.com directory which houses the tiki installation. I can currently access the tiki using any one of the subdomains, but they all share the same profile and each must be logged into separately.

It seems like there should be a very simple if/then solution. If at forums.domain.com, then use the profile set up for the forums subdomain. I'm sure the login problem is something simple that I'm just overlooking; maybe a modification to the htaccess file?

Any help in these areas would be very greatly appreciated.

posts: 15

Yes, identical content among the subdoains is exactly what I want (with one hopefully simple-ish caveat). I am sorry to have made two requests in the same post, though.

The same info would be available in all the sites, though the subdomains would utilize their own menus, home pages, features, modules, permissions, etc through the use of perspectives. For example, forums.domain.com would start at the front of the forums and none of the other subdomains, with the possible exception of admin.domain.com, would have the forum feature enabled except to possibly show recent relevant posts on their own pages through the use of modules. I hope that makes sense. I know it's only an æsthetical decision to divide the site up in this way.

About sharing login info among the sites, that is being accomplished quite handily already by sharing the single database. What I would like to do is get the sessions to span across the subdomains so that a user doesn't have to login anew to each subdomain. I notice that this has not been done here at the tiki.org sites, as I can log into the documentation and still have to relog in the forums.

After many hours of research, I fear these are not things that have been implemented in tiki. While I have nearly figured out the cross-subdomain sessions, I believe some serious hacking will be necessary to make tiki give each subdomain it's own perspective within a single database. Am I missing something?

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