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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Can Tiki do ...? Is TIki the right solution for me?

posts: 15

Hiya, Jak! I believe the taxonomy you are seeking would be best taken care of with categories. Categories can contain wiki pages and articles. You could easily set up user or group permissions to allow your users to submit items to categories.

As far as limiting users to one item per category, I actually have no idea. I just discovered tiki myself a few days ago. If it isn't in the code base yet, it should be easy enough to implement a check against a category's current authors. If your user base isn't too large, you could start off with admin approval of submissions while you tackle the necessary code to automate the process. Sorry I couldn't be of more help in this area.

HTH and good luck! 😊

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