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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Permissions based on relationships between members of larger categories of users

posts: 15

Hiya AlwaysVW and welcome to the Tiki community! I believe what you want to do, if I understand your application description, is use group permissions and categories. You could have several team groups and a leadership group. Members can be a part of one or more team groups and members of the leadership group could also be members of one or more team groups. You could then assign relevant permissions based upon categories to keep content separate amongst the team groups.

I don't know if it pertains to your application or not, but your description gave me an idea. It shouldn't be too hard to allow members of each team to vote periodically on who within their team steps into the leadership group with an automated poll. Democracy on the web could be a novel twist to your organization if it's not already a predetermined hierarchy.

More specificity about your application might help someone form a more specific solution. 😉 Good luck and HTH! 😊

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