Re: Can't change install welcome to blog for home page
I set tikiIndex in MySQL table tiki_preferences to value:
Still I get the wiki page. I went into admin wiki and changed it to a differtent wiki page and I get that one so I can change wiki pages at will but tiki will not go to a blog page or any other feature but a wiki page.
I've tried Use URL and Use Tiki Feature in the General/Navigation -even combos with Use URL enabled and not enabled.
In MYSQL, here is what I see in the relevant part of the preferences table.
Edit Delete feature_menusfolderstyle y
Edit Delete language en
Edit Delete tiki_domain_redirects
Edit Delete wikiHomePage Welcome to The Pocket Progressive
Edit Delete jquery_effect_tabs fade
Edit Delete validateEmail y
Edit Delete registerPasscode
Edit Delete useRegisterPasscode n
Edit Delete feed_atom_author_name UncleGeo
Edit Delete feed_atom_author_email
Edit Delete feed_atom_author_url
Edit Delete feed_shoutbox n
Edit Delete feed_shoutbox_showAuthor n
Edit Delete feed_blogs y
Edit Delete feed_blog y
Edit Delete feed_forums y
Edit Delete toolbar_tool_youtube a:7:{s:4:"name";s:7:"youtube";s:5:"label";s:7:"You...
Edit Delete toolbar_custom_list a:2:{i:0;s:7:"youtube";i:1;s:5:"vimeo";}
Edit Delete toolbar_global fontname,fontsize,bold,italic,underline,strike,-, ...
Edit Delete toolbar_tool_vimeo a:7:{s:4:"name";s:5:"vimeo";s:5:"label";s:5:"Vimeo...
Edit Delete tikiIndex tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=2
Unless there's some switch somewhere else for telling tiki to stop using a wiki page as the index then I don't see what's wrong. Again, I know only enough MySQL to get my ass in hot water.
I see a field "tiki_domain_ redirects" -shopuld this have a value of "y"?(I'm obviously guessing here.)