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Was Tiki 7 a too big revamp?

posts: 5 Germany

I am using Tiki since version 4, and always updated within a major version with no problems, and also upgrading to the next X.1 version was no problem, yet.

At the moment I am running Tiki 6.4 (updated Tiki 6.3 to 6.4) and I wasn't succesfull upgrading it to Tiki 7.1.

At my firtst attempt I wanted to upgrade as always:

  • Backup everything
  • Copy special folders in an empty Tiki 7.1 download
  • Perform Database Upgrade

The result was en empty website, just nothing appeared in my brwoser (tried Safari, Firefox and OmniWeb). - I suppose "Custom Center Column Header", "Site menu custom code", and so on weren't ported correctly and/or automatically.
- So I restored the Backup.

My next attempt was to update to Tiki 6.4 first and then upgrade to 7.1.

This time I disabled my "Custom Center Column Header", my "Site menu custom code", my "Custom Site Footer Content" and also unassigned my Twitter widget from the right column which includes the HTML-Plugin.

This time the website was displayed and I could edit modules and so on.


  • After reassigning my menus (one for english and one for german) the sub menus (section-level-1 and so on) aren't displayed any more
    • Tried several options, e.g. with css=y, css=n, changed the section levels back and forth
  • A lot of HTML-Plugins got empty bodies and reinserting the content didn't help

At this point I gave up and restored the backup once again.


Beside my private website I started with Tiki 7.1 as and empty version for another SourceForge Project ( lang5 ) and also with this Tiki I had several problems, some not yet resolved.

  • It was very hard to get the site menu to the top bar
    • despite it worked it just doesn't look very nice (Ony uppercase letters, not aligned right, etc.) - We just wanted it to look like on tiki.org
  • Haven't been able to assign a simple Twitter widget at the right column, yet.


So here is my simple question:
Am I to dump to upgrade to / run Tiki 7 or are there still some bugs stopping me to use Tiki as I was used to.
Everything I do with Tiki is done as described in the documentation.

I really love using Tiki and one of the reasons is the easiness to keep it up to date through it's well structured code. - Hope someone can help me.

posts: 3665 United States

Please note that going from Tiki 6 -> Tiki 7 involved a lot of structural changes, such as the new module layouts. Be sure to read the release notes for details.

I have upgraded several sites from 6 to 7 with relatively few issues.

Perhaps if you included links to your site, it would be easier to troubleshoot. Or, you may wish to remain on the LTS branch instead of moving to 7 (and then 8).


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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posts: 5 Germany
Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties wrote:
Perhaps if you included links to your site, it would be easier to troubleshoot. Or, you may wish to remain on the LTS branch instead of moving to 7 (and then 8).

Thanks for your answer, Rick!

Sorry, I forgot the link to my page.

Perhaps you can give me a hint why the menu of our lang5 site looks so different than the one of this site here?
(The lang5 site was started with Tiki 7.1 already, no upgrade).

Thanks again!

- Oliver

posts: 4662 Japan


Please see http://themes.tiki.org/Theme+header+modules. The topbar menu needs the parameter "menu_id=tiki-top". I thought this was assigned by default in new installs, but maybe it got removed at your site somehow. Also, the "style" parameter in module admin means a CSS inline style such as "font-size: 110%" not a theme stylesheet name. Sorry, I can see the potential for confusion there.

The Twitter image at this site is just a user module (custom module) with this data:

Copy to clipboard
::{img fileId=205 link="https://twitter.com/tikiwiki" alt="Follow Tiki (@tikiwiki) on Twitter"}::

if that helps. Nothing specific to Tiki 7 about it.

-- Gary - ZukaThemes

posts: 1639 Canada
Oliver Bach wrote:

I am using Tiki since version 4, and always updated within a major version with no problems, and also upgrading to the next X.1 version was no problem, yet.

At the moment I am running Tiki 6.4 (updated Tiki 6.3 to 6.4) and I wasn't succesfull upgrading it to Tiki 7.1.

So here is my simple question:
Am I to dump to upgrade to / run Tiki 7 or are there still some bugs stopping me to use Tiki as I was used to.
Everything I do with Tiki is done as described in the documentation.

I really love using Tiki and one of the reasons is the easiness to keep it up to date through it's well structured code. - Hope someone can help me.


Every 3 versions is a Long Term Support (LTS) (Tiki3, Tiki6, Tiki9). So you can stay on these branches for 2 years, with just minor .x releases.

To keep up with the evolution of the web, add/improve features/UI and to take advantage of newer technology, we sometimes have to make big changes which are clearly better for new deployments but that can cause upgrade issues (esp. when Tiki was customized and enhancements were not upstreamed).

Most of these big changes are made after the LTS, which explains why Tiki4 and Tiki7 were such big releases. Thus, 8.1 is expected to be more stable than 7.1, But you could very well stay on 6.x until Tiki 10.1 is released

Please see: Version Lifecycle.

Best regards,

M 😉