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Features / Usability

How to assign modules only on specify page by version 6.4 LTS

posts: 6

I'm a Chinese who is learning tiki, I'm surprised by it's features, but I got a problem when I using it to setup my site, I want to setup a menu on the left side of pages, but I don't want it show on some pages, such as the forum pages. I guessed that it is as easy as Joomla or Drupal, but I could not find the way for days.

I don't know whether anybody else created similar topics, my English is not good,I hope somebody can help me. My version is 6.4 LTS, thanks a lot.

posts: 222 Norway

Edit the module properties.
Enter the page name(s) where you want it to be displayed in the "Page filter".
"No Page" specifies the page names where you don't want it to appear

posts: 6
Arild Berg wrote:

Edit the module properties.
Enter the page name(s) where you want it to be displayed in the "Page filter".
"No Page" specifies the page names where you don't want it to appear

Thanks, I've found this, but the problem is that I don't know how to set the page name, can you give me an example? Or is there any docs that can tell me what name should I enter?

Take a example, I set the parameters of my module to "Array&notitle=y&nopage=tiki-forums.php", it doesn't work, I also tried the section parameter, the same problem--I don't know how to set the section name.

posts: 4660 Japan

Hi tftaxis and welcome to Tiki,

Please see http://doc.tiki.org/Module+Settings+Parameters#content3, which lists module parameters related to where the module appears. Looks like you just use the section name, such as "forums" for the section parameter. As far as I know, prepending "!" to the name makes the inverse assignment (module won't appear there).

-- Gary

posts: 6
Gary Cunningham-Lee wrote:

Hi tftaxis and welcome to Tiki,

Please see http://doc.tiki.org/Module+Settings+Parameters#content3, which lists module parameters related to where the module appears. Looks like you just use the section name, such as "forums" for the section parameter. As far as I know, prepending "!" to the name makes the inverse assignment (module won't appear there).

-- Gary

Thanks super man😁, thnaks a lot, that's so kind and helpful of"U.S. imperialists".I can set it only show on specify section. But when I prepend ! to the name, the module disappeared on all section. here is the parameter of my custom menu, which shows a menu:

posts: 4660 Japan

I know you're joking, but just for your information, Tiki is a very international project, with just a few developers from the U.S. I happen to be from the U.S. (but have lived overseas for many years).

I tried to assign a module to not appear in a section, and to appear in multiple sections (so you could assign it to all but one, for example) and both failed in Tiki 6.

Assigning a module to a single section worked, though, with syntax like "notitle=y&section=wiki". (That first "Array..." part you have isn't necessary.) So this could be a workaround. If you want a module to display in some sections but not in one particular section, you could make "duplicates" of the module and assign each one to a section, but not to the section you don't want it to appear in. (By duplicate, I mean they all have the same data.)

-- Gary - ZukaThemes

posts: 6

Thanks again, the parameter "Array" was generated after I set it visible to all groups, I guess it's useful or means sth.

It's a shame to tought tiki as a US project, free software has no boundaries.Many great projects started out of America, suc as Linux, VLC, Ruby and so on.

In the beginning I wanted to find a wiki and bridge it to Joomla for a website that introduce excellent open source projects to Chinese community. I tried many solutions and was tired of bridge and integration. At last I found tiki, which seems quite amazing.

I tried it and was attracted by it's features, so I decide to setup a website to introduce tiki first, I believe it's a good choice for many people, especially for technology community. Most guys here don't read or write English well, so we need a Chinese platform. The documents on official tiki site are so complex for most beginners, I want to find a easy way for new tikiers. I don't know whether it's a good way to help others, but it's the way which I like.

I am a embedded software Engineer, working in a big company, living a boring life. I love open source and free software, now I have a chance, I will try to be a good tikier and help others as I can. My site is tikichina.net, bless me.😁

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