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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Some noob questions :)

posts: 7

Hi Guys,

Just installed Tiki and i must say great work. Over the past week i have been looking at some products to see if it suits our company needs. We do alot of support calls for our customers and wanted a system where we can create tutorials for most common problems. We can do that in tiki but the problem is we must hide the information for one company from all others. That means i should be able to create categories and then only allow a certain group access to that category. I can do it easily in PHPBB forums but it looks a bit complicated. I am still trying to understand Tiki.

Can you please advise if this is possible with TikI ?

posts: 222 Norway


yes this is possible in Tiki.

The Tiki security hierarchy is: global/group -> category -> object. Meaning object rights override category rights, which override global right.

To limit the tutorial to one company. Create a group for the company which needs access, create a category and assign all tutorial pages to that category. Then assign the rights to the group in question, but not others, to that category.

posts: 24 United States

Hi Junaid,

I did the same thing our Tiki site and I found that proper planning goes a long way with categories. I'd suggest sitting down and mapping out all your categories before you start creating them.

Also, it's much easier to work with a lot of categories from a permission standpoint. I have lots of categories that only have one or two pages/articles/whatever underneath them. It might seem inefficient to some, but it makes managing them much easier.

posts: 7
Thank you for the info guys. Much appreciated. 😊
posts: 7

OK i am back with a little problem. I created two groups lets say GROUP A and GROUP B with no permissions whatsoever. Then i created to Categories CAT-A and CAT-B. I assigned Group A the rights to view wiki pages on CAT-A.

Now i created a page and explicitly assigned rights to GROUPA to view this page. But when i login with a user who is part of GROUP A and click on list pages it says "You do not have permission to use this feature: tiki_p_view".

Any ideas !

posts: 7
So after some more experiments i found that GLOBAL permissions are a must. If i don't assign any global permissions than doesn't matter what permissions i have assigned to Category or Object it doesn't work.

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