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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

LDAP / Active directory

LDAP / Active directory

Aw: LDAP setting with multiple domains in a forest on Active Directory

bagnatod wrote:

Dear All,
I have Tikiwiki 8.3 running on a Windows 2008 server ...

Hi bagnatod,

sadly I have no experience with LDAP, but would like to some day.

Generally, if you have all domains in one single Tiki instance (installation), from Tikis sside it should be enough to set the LDAP settings in Admin -> Login and maybe a certain custom entry for the cookie, if that would be required by LDAP.

I am sorry, that I cannot really help you, bur I recommend you to write into the user-mailinglist and into the developer-mailinglist for this specific problem, if you would not get help in the forum.

You would need some luck to find s.b. in the forum with some specific knowledge to LDAP.

Cross fingers, that s.b. of them sees your entry, but I am pretty shure, that you find s.b. in the mailing list.


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