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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Multi domain tiki, central site and sattelites

posts: 1563 Germany

Hi dennmans,

I think, you are thinking too complicated.

a) why Multitiki for that? No need.

b) why Apache settings and such? no need

=> just point 2 domains (or more if you like) all to the same Tiki root directory

=> got to tiki-admin.php (provided you have setup your categories and perspectives etc) and choose 'Admin' -> 'General' -> Tab 'Navigation' -> scroll down 'Multidomain
Here set "domain2" to the appropriate perspective Id
Should be about like this:

example.com, 1
foo.bar, 2
yourdomain.tld, 5

no entry for the default domain, where you want to see everything.

I have no time to explain everything right now (need to make food 😉 ) - but try this first please and then come back for further instructions 😊



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