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Community and *.tiki.org site organization

Community and *.tiki.org site organization

Suggestion to attract more users

posts: 9 France

Taking a look at the Tiki Fact Sheet I read from the Ohloh rating that "Over the last twelve months, Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware has seen a substantial decrease in development activity. This could mean many things. It may be a warning sign that interest in this project is waning, or it may indicate a maturing code base that requires fewer fixes and changes."

Also the Forums don't seem to be very active. Over 1 million downloads (!!!) but were is everybody ?

The system has lots of good features, so what is holding people back ?

My guess is the current state of the Documentation and the lack of Themes. Any chance of finding talented Web graphics designers for a Theme Sprint ?

NOT a summer of code, but a "Summer of Themes".

In my opinion people are more attracted to visual than technical excellence. But of course, it's the technical excellence that will make them want to stay.

My guess is that more Themes would attract more users, and more users will get the Forums active and more people interested in cleaning up the Documentation.

A virtuous cycle.

Thus, my suggestion.

posts: 1563 Germany

Hi Bob,

more than one and a half years ago you did post this message.

Indeed you are right with what you are saying and in the mean time we did quite a lot work to integrate Twitter Bootstrap into Tiki.
Just now have self-contained-themes, meaning that only one .zip file could contain a complete theme in a way that you simply unzip it to one location in the tikiroot (folder themes) and apply it in Admin -> Look&Feel -> Themes ... done.

We are starting now to take action for the issues you mentioned and if you are still interested, I would be happy to get your feedback and same time to invite you to the recently reactivated Tiki artwork-list on sourcefourge: https://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/tikiwiki-artwork

Looking forward to be hearing from you,

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