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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Upgrade 1.7.4 to 1.8: Smarty Errors

posts: 12 Australia

I've followed the instructions on upgrading from 1.7.4/5 to 1.8 however on opening up the home page I get errors:

Warning: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "h" in /opt/www/tikiwiki-1.7.4.upgrade/lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1144

Warning: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "t" in /opt/www/tikiwiki-1.7.4.upgrade/lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1144

These are at the top, centre and bottom of page while the content in the side columns seems intact (ie the menus, login, search etc)

I'm running apache 4.0.47, php 4.2.3(or there abouts) on Solaris 9.

The only variation from a "standard" install that I can think of is that I have two tiki installs as virtual servers that worked fine under 1.7.4. For the setup.sh bit of the upgrade I used:
./setup.sh apache apache 02755 tikisite1 tikisite2

Any help would be appreciated.

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Hi pjama,

Clear the templates_c cache, you can do this now via the Admin Menu choose the System Admin.

Hope it helps


posts: 12 Australia

OK, I did the web install over the top of the manual install and all is OK now.


posts: 4

I have the same problem. I upgraded from 1.7.4 ti 1.8 and get exactly the same errors (as well as an unable to read resource:"f" error on the same line) when I go to the home page.

It's running on FreeBSD with Apache 2 and php 4.2.3 (I think). The MySQL server is on another box, running version 3.

My site has over 900 wiki pages and is very busy. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

posts: 4
I ended up resolving the problem. I should have did a fresh install then just edited the database settings in the db directory instead of trying to copy the new tiki over the old. That worked for me and it aleviated the problems.

posts: 4
I ended up resolving the problem. I should have did a fresh install then just edited the database settings in the db directory instead of trying to copy the new tiki over the old. That worked for me and it aleviated the problems.

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