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Tiki Importer

Tiki Importer

mime type error


when importing a dump.xml from mediawiki it fails with a mime type error (freshly installed tiki)

does anyone have any clues towards a solution / possible cause? thanx


Hi Ronald,

Which version of MediaWiki are you using? Could you send me a screenshot of the error?




Hey Rodrigo, thanx for your time.

The screenshot is attached. The dump.xml in question is 12MB in size. Some version info below:

MediaWiki version, 1.21.2 / PHP 5.3.3 (apache2handler) /
MySQL 5.1.69, Tiki Wiki version 11.0 (InnoDB)


Hi ronald & rodrigo,

I am having the same issue.
I tested the import of a few pages from 2 differents Mediawikis.
generator is MediaWiki 1.14.0, or 1.16.5

Attached is a test example.

I don't know what to so I may just report a bug.

Thank you,


Hi again,

Working on a test website, I made a test by commenting out the line 93 of /lib/importer/tikiimporter_wiki_mediawiki.php
(the line handling this mime error)

The file I posted earlier did go through and the page was created.

But when trying with an XML containing several pages, it won't go further than "Loading and validating the XML file
Parsing pages:
Page "
But I guess this is a different issue.

United States
I seem to be having the same issue where I am attempting to import files from MediaWiki to Tiki Wiki and getting the "invalid mime type" error that was reported by the original poster.  I know the last post on this was in 2013 but I am hoping someone knows how to fix this issue now.

Russian Federation

It helped me to add line

Copy to clipboard
‹?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?›

to the top of the mediawiki's generated xml-file

(Replace enclosing characters in the code !!! I'm using special characters to post xml-code here )