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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Tiki conditional (drill down) dropdowns with Dynamic Items List

posts: 1563 Germany

Hi, I follow up on our IRC chat:

"let's go through again .. and concentrate on the most important workflow basics first"

  • you want to create a ticket system

  • based on a "category" or topic, there should be conditionally specific subcategories available.

  • depending on the chosen subcategory, a specific consultant should be notified


basically two goups: customers and consultants

a customer logs in and transmits a ticket

Hardware - Notebook or
Hardware - Notes or
Software - OS-Linux or
Software - OS-Windows or
Software - Office etc.

conditional means, that if the customers chooses "Hardware", he sees further options "Notebook, Notes, Drives, Workstations, ..." but not "OS-Linux, OS-Windows, Office, Groupware, ..."

When Notebook is chosen, Peter gets a message, but when OS-Linux is chosen, Sarah gets a message, right?

So you want to allocate the ticket to a user or a usergroup that is specialzed to a specific topic and you need a message about the allocation.

... if all the above is right, I see the next step to review which of the existing functionalities / fieldtypes we need to build this workflow, respectively which of the existing ones are useful and if me might need a new field ... in other words: do we need configuration or coding ...


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