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Features / Usability

Re: How to edit the users Real Name in preferences?

posts: 5

I did run the Wizards again (hope this doesn't have some side effects on a running website) to no avail... Even in the user wizard still doesn't let me edit the name!

1. I have this option (hope this is the one) Real name (found in community) enabled;
2. Also User Preferences Screen (found in community) is enabled and I can access the page /tiki-user_preferences.php but just can't edit that field;
3. Those were pretty obvious and it's not like I didn't search, read, try things. So It might be something else. But about the theme, how is this possible to not allow me to edit something? It was my first assumption that, maybe it just doesn't "show" to be editable. But it really isn't... Can't write in that area.

The theme is a modified version of "twist" with "flick" as jQuery UI Theme. And no other problems to report.

Please help me investigate this further as seems a bigger problem than I thought.

PS Changed the theme to fivealive and others, no effect, pls see the attachment.
PPS A Happy Easter Holiday to all of you!

posts: 3665 United States

I don't know. I'm unable to duplicate your problem on http://demo.tiki.org — the Real Name field is editable in all themes for me.

You indicated that you're using a "modified version" of the Twist theme. I'd start looking at your modifications, maybe you've changed the input element in some way.

Have you tried logging this as a bug and attempting to duplicate the issue? If you cannot duplicate the issue on the tiki.org server, then there may be a conflict on with your theme, a browser plugin you're using, etc. As I said, I cannot duplicate your issue.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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