Re: How to unarchive forum threads
The forum posts are stored in the tiki_comments table, with the column objectType = 'forum'.
There is a column named 'archived', which gets set to 'y' when the post is archived.
If you set the 'archived' column to NULL, then that will de-archive the post.
You could de-archive all the archived forum posts with:
Copy to clipboard
update `tiki_comments` set `archived` = NULL where `objectType` = 'forum' and `archived` = 'y';
If you wanted to de-archive a specific forum, then each forum has a forumId number, and that number is in the 'object' column, so you could use:
Copy to clipboard
update `tiki_comments` set `archived` = NULL where `objectType` = 'forum' and `archived` = 'y' and `object` = (the forum Id number);