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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Comments on Images

posts: 23 United States

One of the features sadly lacking in TikiWiki is the ability to comment on individual images. I know you can comment on the whole gallery, but I would very much like to let users comment on individual images. Am I missing something here? I have looked and looked.



posts: 1001 Canada

I don't know, you may be missing PHP/SQL skills😉

posts: 23 United States

Did I touch a nerve? I do have programming skills(>20yrs), though not much experience with PHP/SQL. But I know several people who wanted to use Tiki but have made other choices because you can only comment on the whole gallery and not the individual images. Would this be hard to do?

-- Susan

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

I would also like this feature, also with categories on individual images too. That would make the tiki galleries sort of level with gallery/coppermine features.

If your interested I will gladly assist on this addition to the TIki code.

posts: 23 United States

I am interested. I would like to get a handle on how it works, as I would dearly like a family tree module. Problem is, I have way too much on my plate, but once I get a good model of something, I don't forget, and I am usually fast.


posts: 23 United States

I guess I am saying, where do I start?

-- Susan

posts: 175 Canada

Hi, Well I can not give a hint on where to start but I can give a vote for how much this feature is needed. Several of the sites I work with are very image gallery needy but also require disscussion on the images.

Then I thought how about a forum link as the wiki pages have. If you what to disscus an image you would be taken to the forum.(Or one is created)

Could this be an approach to take?. It would free up the clutter that the comments would make below the image. As well the forums are a more powerfull way to discuss things. I think they are also more intagrated into TikiWiki so you could have gallery/forums RSS feeds and that sort of thing.

I have NO idea which would be the most straight forward!

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