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Image Popup does not popup

posts: 758 United States

Dear folks, this is something that has had me stumped for some time now, I have tried many things, and different browsers, and I have gone through my settings and flipped switches on and off and have not had any luck trying to get an image to popup when hovering cursor over it.
Our tiki is at http://www.thepatriotwoodwiki.org/tiki-index.php
We are using 14.0 Beta and the image on the home page is set to popup.
Is there an additional switch in the control panel I need to flip in order for this to work?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

posts: 758 United States

Sorry, actually the title should read image does not popout when "Mouseover" is selected.

I have "Mouseover" selected in the image plugin and upon mouseover the image does not popout.

posts: 4668 Japan

Hi John,

If I'm understanding the problem right, the behavior changed since the switch to Bootstrap, which has a "mobile first" philosophy. Since there's no mouseover or hover function on a touch screen, now a click is needed in Tiki to display an image popup.

But what I see at your site is different from that, too. It seems that a box (colorbox/shadowbox/lightbox) is being made for the image but the image doesn't display, but then after closing the box the image is popped up on the page, down the page from the thumbnail. This may be due to the combination of parameters you're using in the img plugin.

Just another example: http://zukakakina.com/WikipluginImg+test .

-- Gary




posts: 4668 Japan

Hi again,

Sorry, it doesn't seem to be as simple as that. I made a test page and find that some thumbnails show the image on hover and some don't. So far it looks like smaller images that have a popup box on the right tend to pop up with hover, and larger images that pop up below the thumbnail need a click. But for a while I was experiencing one popup-to-the-right that needed a click, but another image of the same size didn't. I'll ask around about this.

-- Gary

posts: 758 United States

Gary, thanks again for your help. I went to Zukakina and I was really happy to see the pop up working.

After my image id field this is what I have       thumb="mouseover" rel="boxg" responsive="y"}

In your example at Zukakina you do not show the rel="boxg".  I wonder if that is problem.

I am experimenting now, and I  will also look at the conflicting parameters, thanks Gary!



posts: 758 United States
Gary, I could not even duplicate your successful efforts you had on Zukakina. I cannot figure this one out. Do you know off the top of your head what type of conflicting issues could be possible in my control panel? Any help is greatly appreciated. I really love the mouseover if it works.

posts: 758 United States
By the way, in my file gallery, when I mouse over an image, it popups beautifully. So at least I know the capability is here.

posts: 4668 Japan

Well, for one thing, in the wikiplugin, you don't want to use "rel=g" parameter (I didn't input the brackets around the g here) for a mouseover popup. The rel=g creates a "shadowbox" frame to display the image, centered in the page and with the background darkened. So this display method isn't compatible with mouseover.

-- Gary

posts: 758 United States

Removed and still not working. I deleted and reloaded the image and made sure the "rel=g" was not in place. So that variable is gone, and the mouseover is not functional still. Hmmmm, looking for more conflicts. Thanks Gary.

Here is a very interesting discussion I just found. https://tiki.org/forumthread55900

posts: 4668 Japan

Hi John,

I went to your test site again and it looks like you're getting the same behavior as me, at least for the large image. I noticed that for smaller images (I mean their pixel dimensions are smaller, like 150px square, they tend to popup on hover, or at least I got that for a couple of them, but one still needs a click. Someone is looking into this inconsistency now so may have some answers for us soon.

-- Gary

posts: 758 United States
That's great news Gary to have someone looking into it, excellent! I await anxiously with excitement!

posts: 758 United States

I was curious if this has been resolved yet?

I reset my tiki, with a fresh install of 14.0 and I have loaded an image on our home page at www.thepatriotwoodwiki.org and applied mouseover, and it appears the problem still exists?

Thanks for any help!

posts: 758 United States

Well it's been awhile since I visited this topic, I was just curious of any one has any great news about this feature?

I have created a test site to test plugins and content.

Here are the details:

Tiki 14.0
php 5.6
Theme: Tikinewt
Theme Option: Shadow

url: http://www.thepatriotwoodwiki.org/beta/tiki-index.php?page=HomePage

user name: admin

password: 12345

Please feel free to visit my test site. The same problem persists, the image mouseover is not working. As stated before I really love mouseover, I don't know, perhaps I have a mouseover fetish, but I just love it. If anybody would like to login and see the image of the flowers on the home page, and play in that images settings, please feel free. I'd love to get this working.

I may file a bug report. Thanks for any help!



posts: 14 USA

Ok, another "since we are on this topic". I was just trying out different img options for when I start moving my content over to my new wiki and really love the "draw" on image feature for marking up images but just noticed a problem I cannot figure out. If I have an image and add a drawing to it and it gets converted (behind the scenes I guess) to SVG it shows ok using the img tag but with the rel=box feature when you click on the image and the popup larger view shows it only is showing the drawing overlay and not the image below. I have tried differnt popup options (mouse over, zoom, etc) and they all do the same. Using v14 with the Fivealive light theme. This is a minor thing since plain images show correctly but I definitely would like to use some drawings to point out things in some images. 




posts: 758 United States
The mouseover works! I reloaded Tiki 15 and the default image plugin is a wonderful revision. All the dialogues are explained as well, and the image functions work, popup, sticky, mousever, all of it, great job Tiki gurus! Thanks so much for your hard work on this one. 

posts: 758 United States
crud I take it back, the mouseover is not working. Maybe I am doing something wrong,. But the image dialogue is looking great!

posts: 758 United States

Here is a page with image set to mouse sticky, http://thepatriotwoodwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Tage+Frid

Click on the image below heading Tages Student. It appears there is an image box that fails to load, any help or recommendations are greatly appreciated. The same happens with Mouseover.

posts: 1563 Germany

Hi jmorris,

what is the difference in the code or the source of the two images on the page?

One is working fine, one has a defect.


posts: 758 United States

Torsten, thanks for the question, the top image with the gentleman and his wife, is set to Thumbnail = yes

The lower image with gentleman and student, is Thumbnail=mouseover

I can never get that mouseover to work for some reason. Thanks Torsten for any help.

posts: 4668 Japan


I'm not aware offhand of any new work on the image plugin since February, although the file gallery upload dialog is under construction at the moment in trunk, in case you experience some glitches there.

At the Tage Frid page, it looks like the plugin for the second image has too many parameters. A click is triggering both a popup and a zoombox. I can replicate that behavior by using both thumb=mouseover and rel=box. These shouldn't be  used together. Thumb=y, rel=box works, but seems to produce the same result as the simpler thumb=zoombox. Thumbnail width and height can be specified in any case. Height=auto and width=300px can be used (for example). Using "auto" keeps the thumbnail's height and width in proportion automatically. (Since posting this, I saw your post about parameters, so apparently it's another combination of parameters that's causing the trouble at your site, rather than the combination I described here.)

-- Gary

posts: 758 United States

Gary, here is our test site link at http://www.thepatriotwoodwiki.org/beta/tiki-index.php?page=HomePage

Username = admin

Password = 12345

The image on the home page is set to mouseover, I did not alter anyother parameters except toggle the drop down menu to "mouseover".

If you'd like, see if you can get it to work, and if you can please let me know how. The test site version is:

Tiki 14.0 downloaded today from Tiki site.

Thanks for any help!

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