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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Search results unusable when running behind a proxy

posts: 25 Germany

Our wikis (12.4) are running behind an apache proxy server. When accessing the system through the proxy, everything works fine, except the search box. All search results have internal addresses, which are of course not available from outside.

Internal access is like:

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http://wikiServer/wiki1/tiki-searchindex.php http://wikiServer/wiki2/tiki-searchindex.php

The Proxy setting is:

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ProxyPass /team1 http://wikiServer/wiki1 ProxyPassReverse /team1 http://wikiServer/wiki1

When viewing through the proxy, URLs shown in the browser are for normal content like

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but search results are like

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In the page source, normal references look like

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<a href="tiki-searchindex.php">

but search results are like

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<a href=" http://wikiServer/wiki1/tiki-index.php?page=Info" … >

Can I change my wiki configuration so that URLs in search results appear in the standard form or are proxy changes needed to solve the issue?

posts: 25 Germany

It is no search specific problem. I tried several variants of links:

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((Info)) [tiki-index.php?page=Info]

work fine. However this version is not translated

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Can I change my wiki configuration so that URLs in search results appear in the standard form or are proxy changes needed to solve the issue?

posts: 25 Germany

In the meantime, I found a workaround in order to hand over the results :

Eabling "MySQL Full-Text Search" in the the search configuration seems to solve the problem.

I don't know why changing the query methods generates different output formats, but it works!

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