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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

LDAP / Active directory

LDAP / Active directory

LDAP over SSL authentication (LDAPS) with Active Directory

Hi Everyone,

I have just configured my TIKI to work with Active Directory and LDAPS.

Our Domain controller LDAP Server requires a certificate in order to communicate and make LDAP queries etc.

Just thought I would post this on here in case it helps others.

1. Export Active Directory Certifcate as Base64
in IE, Internet options, Content tab, Certificates button, click on respective certificate & click export, follow the wizard. (see attached screenshot 1)

2. yum install openldap-clients

3. Copy the exported certificate to your Tiki-Wiki server /etc/openldap/certs/"your certificate".cer

4. Edit /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
modify following entries

  • TLS_CACERTDIR /etc/openldap/certs
  • TLS_CACERT /etc/openldap/certs/"your certificate".cer

5. Enable ldap and configure tiki wiki login section
(see attached screenshot 2)

  • Use Port 636
  • Check SSL (ldaps) checkbox
  • Choose ACtive Direcotry as LDAP Bind Type
  • Enter BASE DN
  • Enter LDAP User info.

6. Restart web werver

et Voila, it should be good to go 😎

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