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Features / Usability

Need help on creating left menu with link to wiki pages having user/group specific access

posts: 2 India

Tikiwiki has too many useful features and it is taking some time for me to understand how we can use them for specific purposes. I am using Tikiwiki version 14.2 which I downloaded in January 2016.
My Scenario:
There are several departments. Each department needs to be assigned to a user group, and each group is assigned to a category.
I need to create the left menu so that

  1. each group user will be able to see the list of pages in the left menu, for which they have access to
  2. there may be common categories across groups
  3. if a user creates a wiki page, that needs to be automatically reflected in the left menu
  4. the options in the left menu need to be displayed based on the hierarchy, I think at present upto 2 levels are possible with Bootstrap menu, and any levels with Superfish.

I tried with Structures, but they need to be created for each page and then added to a hierarchy, and use the structure id in the module Menu.
Also tried with the Categories module, then creating pages with the same name as the categories. - This required me to create page for each category and category for each page, for a module accessible for a group.
Neither of the above methods work automatically when a new page is created by a group user.

Is there any way we can get the new page created by user into the left menu automatically?
If it is not possible with the existing features, is there any way around (like creating custom modules)?
Please suggest.

Best regards,
Hari CL

posts: 44

Hi Hari CL,

I have been looking at menus myself, but am no expert.
ISTM that many new menu items would produce a very flat structure and I would normally expect that a number of levels would be preferred.

I have set my left menu to be modifiable only by admin, but each menu item is modifiable by a person with editor privileges, so they can add new pages but would then have create a link to it in one of the menu item pages.
I know this satisfies very few of your requirements, but ISTM they are very specialised and would require more than just the use of existing features.

posts: 2 India

Hi jpurssey,

Thank you very much for the reply.

Best regards,
Hari CL

posts: 3665 United States

The Category method should work, but the list of pages will be "flat" (that is, no child/parent relationship)

For example:

  • Three groups of users (GROUPA, GROUPB, GROUPC)
  • Three categories (CategoryA, CategoryB, CategoryC), with the correct permissions so that only GroupA can view pages in CategoryA, etc.
  • A module with the CATEGORY plugin (for all three categories).

As long as the permissions are set properly, users will only see pages in their category. And if a user belongs to multiple categories, they'll see the pages from all the categories.

As you add new pages to the categories, they should appear in the module automatically (though, you may need to adjust the overall cache, as well as the cache for the module.


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