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Architecture / Installation

Footnote Links Non Functional with Firefox

posts: 758 United States

Folks, I am having some issues displaying footnote links. For an example please see Footnote link at test site http://tpwtestuser.com/tiki/HomePage
In my experience the link at the footnote bottom of page does not function using Mozilla Firefox browser, yet does function in Microsoft Edge, Chrome, and Opera thus far.
Thank you for any help in this matter.

posts: 1563 Germany

Firefox 45.0 on Ubuntu 14.04 => Footnote link works (links to a wikipedia article.


posts: 758 United States
Thanks Torsten, Firefox 45.0.1 here and the link does not function, hmmmmm. Must be an internal setting on my end, thanks for verifying this. Cheers!

posts: 1563 Germany

So if it is a malformed link, imho it seems to be a bug, worth a bugreport on dev.tiki.org, even if it is working in some browsers.


posts: 758 United States

Thanks for the feedback guys, I tried the footnote again at our test page as noted above. The way I am using Footnote is by copy and pasting the APA Style (in this a particular case the "Plateosaurus" page at Wikipedia) directly into the Footnote dialogue as seen in the attached image. I leave "Sameas" and "Class" empty. Then I use the "Footnote Area" applied at the bottom of the page.
Thanks for any help.

For login to our test site if anyone is interested:

User: test
Pass: 12345

posts: 758 United States

OK gents, something strange happened. I re applied the footnote using Microsoft Edge, and the footnote link would not show in Microsoft Edge. But, the footnote link would show in Firefox. I deleted the footnote while in Firefox, and reentered the footnote using Firefox, and now it will not show in Firefox, but will show in Microsoft Edge.
In other words, create the footnote in either while using either browser, and it will not appear in the other.

posts: 758 United States
An additional behavior, if you are logged into our tiki, the link is not view-able, if you are logged out, the link is viewable.

posts: 758 United States

Thanks for that Rick, I appreciate the help!
Here is a question I have regarding the fix, should footnotes work for links out of the box to begin with? I mean, should one have to insert brackets after using the footnote in addition? Or is footnotes not suitable for links?
Thanks Rick

posts: 758 United States

I'd like to add to the last reply I made, the reason why I ask if we need to add brackets in addition to using Footnotes, is, I feel this should be an out of the box operation, where a user can use just the Footnotes plugin, and the link should appear?
With an open wiki or at lest a wiki where users must register, it could get complicated for them and me if we have to add additional syntax to the what a plugin should have built in, maybe?
Feedback is appreciated. 😊

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