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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

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Features / Usability

spammer ip matches my servers ip??

posts: 28

I'm scratching my head here. although I will be doing a major search for unauthorized software running. I have been getting tons of spam registrations lately so I followed this guide https://doc.tiki.org/How+to+Ban+many+IP+from+fake+registrations

The result was that almost all of the registrations came from the ip address of my server. could this be a spoof?

EDIT: After looking at the logs closer i noticed that even my own personal account is logged from the same IP which suggests a possible bug. Every account up until May 20th uses the Servers IP. which makes this a major quandary to determine the validity of some of these accounts.

posts: 44
This is possible on a shared web host. I send newsletters and some get rejected because my IP is blacklisted by some ISPs. My web host says that it may be because another user that shares or shared the hosting service has sent spam.
posts: 28
I can see that but in this instance, I am not on a shared IP. It's on a dedicated VPS through Digital Ocean. What I don't get is how my own registration showed up as the servers IP address. I haven't had this issue since the date I made the original post, so perhaps it was a fluke. In any case, all of the spammers were deleted and enabling recaptcha has basically ended the mass spammer registrations. I also added a honeypot and once a month have rsynced the blacklist from projecthonepot.

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