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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

(Reports) Some inconsistencies with the body of reports

posts: 14 United States

Noticed some odd behavior today with the email that users receive for reports. If the user has the option to receive a report even when nothing has happened enabled, sometimes the link at the end of the email that redirects to user watch preferences is broken. This only occurs when no changes have been made.

For example, if I change a few pages the email body looks like:

Report on wiki for User
Last report sent on Monday June 27, 2016

Changes in detail:

You are receiving notification emails grouped in a periodic digest. To receive them individually when posted instead, change your preferences at https://wikiurl/tiki-user_watches.php

That last bit is what seems to be inconsistent. If no changes have been made the email instead looks like (notice the link at the end).

Report on wiki for user
Last report sent on Monday June 27, 2016

Changes in detail:
Nothing has happened

You are receiving notification emails grouped in a periodic digest. To receive them individually when posted instead, change your preferences at http:///tiki-user_watches.php

So, if nothing has happened to report the link to the user watch preferences is replaced with ///tiki-user_watches.php, which is obviously a broken link.

Does anyone know why the email body would differ when changes have been made and changes have not been made?


posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Hi alex_ring:

This seems a bug. Please, add a bug report about it. See the information at the top where it says: "First time visitor? Read this first, please (click here)"
