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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Groups, Workspaces, Areas, Perspectives, Categories, Data Channels etc.

posts: 2695 United States

I'm anxiously awaiting a working Organic Groups feature.

Until then, I've been reading all I can about Groups, Workspaces, Areas, Perspectives, Categories, Category Jail, Profiles etc. Just when I think I've kinda got a handle on the idea, I read something else and get confused about it all again...

What I would like:

  • to be able to create (not organic so anyone can create, but a controlled rollout managed by me...) I'll call it Group Workspaces.
  • Each Group Workspace created would also create
    • the Group
    • Associated Category under the main category "Groups"
    • A public page telling about the group and inviting others to join.
    • A private page kind of like Kevin's Organic Group setup with a shoutbox and various Group type links.
    • A Group Forum
    • A Group Newsletter members are automatically assigned when joining the group
    • A Group Blog any member can post to
    • A Group File Gallery
    • Articles using this unique Category

Then be able to create a sub-group of that group that includes the same things.

Example: I'm a Water Treatment Plant Operator, so would like to setup a Group Workspace to share information.

  • But I live in Missouri and all the state regulations are different, so would like to set up 50 sub-groups for all 50 states.
  • There are also 2 major types of Water Plants: Those using wells (groundwater) and those using lakes (surfacewater), so would like those 2 additional sub-groups.
  • There are a few thousand operators in each state and I'm hoping for at least a 10% market penetration.

Once I get that all up and running, I would like to roll out almost the exact same thing for Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators. Some pages will be shared with the Water Treatment Plant Operators like State Regulation Agency pages.

  • and then Electrical Linemen
    • ...

Am I thinking too big?

  • Is this something Tiki can do now?
    • What's the main feature that will do this for me?

Thanks for any ideas, suggestions, pointers...

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