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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: I want my users to submit variants of wiki-articles, how do I do this?

posts: 22


Another option is to use the "More Like This algorithm" functionality within "Tags" module in Control Panel, in combination with the Module "Freetags more like this".

Tags Documentation

Module Freetags More Like This Documentation

Your users would need to add at least one Tag on their recipe e.g. lasagna but I fear having only one tag in common would cause too many similar pages. Maybe a variant tag too...so on opening your lasagna recipe (which you have given the tags lasagna and variant), a list of all other pages which also have both the tags lasagna and variant would appear.
When you upload a recipe you could create the tag(s) you want and encourage your users to use the same tags.


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