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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

casual user privs?

posts: 37 United States

I'm not sure how to search this topic even. How would I alter the site so that unregistered users can view everything but only need to login to post things. I don't want to force casual browsers to register/login if they're just looking around. And can it be configured per module so some are always public and others always protected?

Thanks in advance,

posts: 63 United Kingdom

I think if you go to your groups administration, and assign permissions for the group "Anonymous", then choose the option uinder the current permissions levels to assign all the permissions in the level "Basic" then your users will be able to read everything from the enabled features.

You should also edit your "registered" group assign all the permissions in the level "registered" so that they will be able to post and edit etc. By default this is not set up for you.

another hint:
edit the registered group to include the anonymous group, edit the editors group (if you have one) to include the registered group,
edit the admin group to include the editors group.

Also assign the permissions for the group admin to include all the permissions from the level Admin - normally this is unnecessary but worth doing so that you can SEE what you can do in the group listings.

That way all the groups inherit permissions;
Anonymous can view everything but not edit
Registered can do everything anonymous can do PLUS edit and post to things,
Editors can do all that PLUS edit advanced stuff, approve articles and all the related stuff
and Admin can do all that PLUS all the administration.

I expect all this information is already proliferated around this site if you dig deep enough 😉


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