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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re : Install Problems w/ Postgres amd Tiki

posts: 1001 Canada

Hi, did you try clearing your cache? The problem you mention has several potential fixes listed on TikiInstallTroubleshootingDoc, you should tell what you tried.

About the calendar problem, it's failing to put "english" in the "lang" field because the maximum length is 2, not 7. MySQL truncates extra characters instead of generating a warning. Still, I can't figure how $_REQUEST%22lang%22 can get this value. Try debugging this. If I put echo $data%22lang%22; at line 558 of calendarlib.php (just below "$bindvars=array($data%22calendarId%22,$user,$data%22start%22,$data%22end%22,$data%22locationId%22,$data%22categoryId%22,$data%22priority%22,$data%22status%22,$data%22url%22,$data%22lang%22,$data%22name%22,$data%22description%22,$now,$now);") I get two-letter values.

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