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Re: Re: Themes and RTL languages

posts: 9 United Kingdom

Hi Bernard,
Since there doesn't seem to be much tikiwiki Documentation on adding languages (that I can find) it is my intention to write some. I find this a great way to learn and to make that learning transferable. So what I would like to check with you is:

  • How do I get permission to create a page or pages in https://doc.tiki.org/tiki-login.php ?
  • Is there any guidance on layout or style for documentation pages ?
  • I expect to have questions arise as I go. What is the best place to ask them? I have found the irc the most responsive but I wonder if it would be better to ask them in the forum so leaving an additional support line for anyone who come looking after.
  • I aim to have made a significant start on this before the next meetup. Can i18 be a topic for the next meeting and would that be a good place for feedback on the page/s I have made (dependent of course on getting permission to create the pages)

One point from our thread above, I still haven't managed an upgrade to 18.1 from 17.1. When I said 'in Bootstrap' that was because that is the theme I am using, I didn't know, but do now, that the word Bootstrap was anything other than the name of a theme. I have a lot to learn.



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