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Themes and RTL languages

posts: 8638 Israel

During the last week I tried to rethink the actual right to left system, namely BiDi.

How it work:
If an rtl language is detected, the styles sheet "styles/BiDi/BiDi.css" is applied.

How it fails:
The system work fine but it is definitely mono theme.

To work with several theme is a pain and therefor we have a problem. From being able to display Tiki Community multiple websites to offering a smooth transition from the default installed theme (new install set theme to fivealive, option blueberry) to the admin selected theme.

The idea to improve
My idea is actually to keep BiDi.css optimized and small as possible to make it display properly Tiki Install default theme while in each folder theme we would add an "rtl" folder to hold graphics (some of them need to be reversed) and a second layer of CSS properties for the selected theme in a .css file ; mytheme_BiDi.css.

Where I'm:
Default (fivealive blueberry);
I have optimized BiDi.css and add an rtl folder into fivealive folder containing an rtl version of the header.

Note : no need for this theme for a specific css file as per default BiDi is set to work with fivealive. (but i wrote a example - commented)

Experimental theme GreenValley
In the theme GreenValley that is working in ltr and rtl i added an rtl folder that include graphics and greenvalley_BiDi.css to apply this theme rtl specific properties.

Note : In the file /styles/BiDi/BiDi.css i have set an properties to read greenvalley_BiDi.css.
@import url("../greenvalley/rtl/greenvalley_BiDi.css");

We have a descent default install theme working in rtl.
This work fine only manually (for each theme you style have to change the "@import url(".

I would like to have a way to automatically select the specific rtl stylesheet. A way to compose automatically in BiDi.css the path for the theme specifi BiDI file to be read using @import url.

For example if i select theme "one" it should read
@import url("../one/rtl/one_BiDi.css");
If i select theme "two" it should read
@import url("../two/rtl/two_BiDi.css");

And so on...

Feedback and help would be appreciated.

PS : some of my work is still undergoing but my post reflect what should be online in the coming hours.

posts: 9 United Kingdom

Hi Bernard,
This is the only forum post i could find on rtl languages.
I am (ambitiously) moderating a wiki in 42 (and counting) languages including Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, Urdu and other rtl languages.
Those languages that came 'out of the box' switch to rtl reasonably well. Farsi, which I added myself, does not.
Any advice on how I can identify all the rtl languages and ensure they flip to an rtl layout? Also how could I improve the rtl layout if I really wanted to (are we talking css here?)
I am on wiki17.1 (18.1 having failed to upgrade spectacularly today) using Bootstrap

posts: 8638 Israel

Hello Jonathan,

Since that things changed for the good in Tiki. 😊
That’s great you are willing to improve and help us to make Tiki better.

Any advice on how I can identify all the rtl languages and ensure they flip to an rtl layout? Also how could I improve the rtl layout if I really wanted to (are we talking css here?)

  • Identify, check language Tiki use at : https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/HEAD/tree/branches/18.x/lang/
  • Improve layout : Actually most of it work comes out from bootstrap from time to time we found that a change of class under rtl direction work better so this is the kind of things you can commit or report to http://dev.tiki.org
    I don’t think we really do (or want) CSS custom anymore it should be handled using Bootstrap. (of course they may be exception)

I am on wiki17.1 (18.1 having failed to upgrade spectacularly today) using Bootstrap

Not sure what "using Bootstrap" mean talking about upgrade.
Please report bugs or issues to http://dev.tiki.org hopefully someone will have a look.

Have a nice day,

posts: 9 United Kingdom

Hi Bernard,
Since there doesn't seem to be much tikiwiki Documentation on adding languages (that I can find) it is my intention to write some. I find this a great way to learn and to make that learning transferable. So what I would like to check with you is:

  • How do I get permission to create a page or pages in https://doc.tiki.org/tiki-login.php ?
  • Is there any guidance on layout or style for documentation pages ?
  • I expect to have questions arise as I go. What is the best place to ask them? I have found the irc the most responsive but I wonder if it would be better to ask them in the forum so leaving an additional support line for anyone who come looking after.
  • I aim to have made a significant start on this before the next meetup. Can i18 be a topic for the next meeting and would that be a good place for feedback on the page/s I have made (dependent of course on getting permission to create the pages)

One point from our thread above, I still haven't managed an upgrade to 18.1 from 17.1. When I said 'in Bootstrap' that was because that is the theme I am using, I didn't know, but do now, that the word Bootstrap was anything other than the name of a theme. I have a lot to learn.



posts: 8638 Israel

Well you should be able to login with your tiki credential to https://doc.tiki.org/tiki-login.php

From there you can edit pages

Quick answers;
Is there any guidance on layout or style for documentation pages ?
May be but it is also may be outdated.
I usually try to find a new created page and stick to the way it was done

I expect to have questions arise as I go.
Forum is great to keep tracking things

Can i18 be a topic for the next meeting
Sure go at : https://tiki.org/Roundtable-Meeting-2018-04
Add the topic

Tiki is a do - do community so go on ! 😊

posts: 9 United Kingdom

When I use the same log in details I use for the Community site in the Documentation site I get this error message:
XMLRPC Error: 101 - Invalid username or password
and there seems to be no way of refreshing my password or signing in afresh with fresh details on the Documentation site.

Any suggestions?


posts: 2430 Czech Republic
You are right, I can confirm this error. I get the same when I try to switch to any other user on doc.tiki.org. But interestingly I can still login there with no probs at all with my user there...

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