Print Wiki Structure page Posted by Luis Pedro 21 Apr 2004 01:18 GMT-0000 posts: 46 Hi there, Is it possible to print all the pages that are part of a wiki structure in one go? For example using the the Print Multipages feature, but without having to add each one of the pages of the structure... many thanks in advance cheers Luís Pedro
Posted by emagin 23 Jun 2005 21:43 GMT-0000 posts: 17 I would be very interested in this as well The PDF button does exactly this. If you are at the top of a strcuture, it gives you all pages in that structure. But the print button does not.
Posted by Elizabeth Dalton 02 Nov 2005 19:25 GMT-0000 posts: 38 > I would be very interested in this as well > The PDF button does exactly this. > If you are at the top of a strcuture, it gives you all pages in that structure. I wish the PDF button did function this way! But when I use it, it only includes the top page in the structure. I really need a way to generate a PDF file of a specific structure. edalton