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Administration tips in Tiki (Video Tutorial)

posts: 8638 Israel

My name is Bernard Sfez and I’m a Tiki specialist.
In this Tiki Express tutorial I'll give you the maximum tips I can about Tiki Administration.
Those tips will be helpful for Tiki beginners but may also reveal some nice tricks to advanced users.
Some you will use on regular basis and some when things are not working as expected.

In this video I’ll show you;

  • How to set and use the quick Admin module
  • What you can find in the Admin Bar menu
  • How to turn on Advanced setting (and saves them)
  • How to use the Admin search preferences
  • How to check permissions for different users and adjust them
  • What to do when things are not working as expected
  • And a super quick view about Tiki-check and phpinfo
posts: 36

Thank you very much for this video Bernard, very useful.

I found the Quick Admin bit particuarly helpful and I am going to enable that now!


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