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Custom Share Module 0.1dev




posts: 8

Wasn't sure what to do with this, so I'm posting here and hopefully someone will see and pass on to correct persons.

I wanted a way to pass the tiki username to an external web page. I got a lot of information from the tiki people on the irc channel, thank you.

This is what I did, and think this or something like this would be useful in a future release.

I basically modified one line in the tiki-featured_link.php file that transposes the string "PassTikiName" with $user, so if you want to use the tiki user name in a featured link you would do:


and if you were logged on as Tikiuser, it would actually execute:


the code is as follows:

$section = 'featured_links';
include_once ('tiki-section_options.php');

$smarty->assign_by_ref('url',str_replace('PassTikiName',$user, $_REQUEST%22url%22));
$smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-featured_link.tpl');


The only line I changed is the $smarty->assign('url',$_REQUEST%22url'));


$smarty->assign_by_ref('url',str_replace('PassTikiName',$user, $_REQUEST%22url%22));

posts: 2881 United Kingdom


Not really happy about commiting this as I fear it could be used against a site maybe.

In any case Id like to see a fully optional setting rather that the str_replace getting run on every single featured link.

Its a good idea, and I hope it helps others Incedentally I recall a IRC conversation relating to similar similar but using a iframe on a wiki page and called require_once('tiki-setup.php'); to get the $user available in that script.

Id favour this second method personally. as I think its more secure for both tiki and your called script.


posts: 9

> Damian wrote:
> Hi,
> Its a good idea, and I hope it helps others Incedentally I recall a IRC conversation relating to similar similar but using a iframe on a wiki page and called require_once('tiki-setup.php'); to get the $user available in that script.

Hi Damian - can you provide more details on the solution you saw in the IRC conversation? I would really like to use it - see topic http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=7488&forumId=3 for more details.

posts: 8

I just started learning php about 2 weeks ago, and Tiki is very difficult for me to figure out as I don't have a clue about smarty yet, so this may not be the best answer.

All I'm saying is I'm surprised there is not a way to pass the tiki user name to an external page. I use an external page to verify my users against a game database for example.

I don't understand the security concerns, but it could be made stronger by making an admin option to use this....

posts: 9

> Damian wrote:
> Hi,
> Its a good idea, and I hope it helps others Incedentally I recall a IRC conversation relating to similar similar but using a iframe on a wiki page and called require_once('tiki-setup.php'); to get the $user available in that script.

Hi Damian - can you provide more details on the solution you saw in the IRC conversation? I would really like to use it - see topic http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=7488&forumId=3 for more details.

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