Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Games screwed up under 1.8.2

posts: 73

Hm...I had some more problems today with 1.8.2. My games are screwed up. When I tried to upload them, I got a weird XML error, but they worked. Every game I uploaded produced an error and a strange erroneous duplicate, which I had to delete.

Now the games work, but the column that would contain the description is blank.

Any ideas what could be causing this problem?

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

XML errors would suggest your using Internet Explorer

Unfortunately I see no errors on my Fedora Core installation using Mozilla. Unless we get more Windows based Tiki Developers im afraid IE and Windows users will suffer.

If you want to help Tiki survive on Windows platforms recruit a Windows Developer smile

I occasionally have access to a Internet Explorer, but Im not a main supporter of MS products and never will!


posts: 73
I'm with you Damian, but unfortunately, I'm using this site for college students and don't have the luxury of requiring all of them to learn Linux or go mozilla.

posts: 10 Portugal
i had the same prob! i have duplicate entrys and i cant fix them, did u already fix, them?

posts: 73
I just had to upload the games and delete the duplicates each time. A maddening and irritating process, but I haven't had any subsequent problems. However, I notice that the screen that dispays the games is screwed up. The descriptions of the games don't show up, only the game pic and # of times it's been played. I think, therefore, the bug must involve the game description.

posts: 73

I fixed this problem. I ended up changing the tiki-listgames.php script. I changed where the script stored descriptions of games. Instead of storing them in the thumbs directory, I store them now in a new folder called descriptions. This way the game descriptions are stored somewhere else.

The problem is that the script assumes that every item in the thumbs directory is a game, and will try to make a new row for each of the .txt files. Putting the .txt files in a different directory solves the problem.

Please make a note of this for the next release of tikiwiki!!

posts: 1
I recently installed tiki 1.8.2 and had the same trouble with games uploading/linking. Based on blacklilly8's suggestion I changed every reference to ("games/thumbs/$file".'txt') to ("games/descriptions/$file".'txt') in the tiki-list_games.php file($name might also be the variable sometimes). Also I made a descriptions folder in the games directory to catch the files. That didn't quite fix the problems though because there were still some fread-ing 0 errors and undefined variable stuff. I clunked around editing tiki-list_games.php unit it now works AFAIK, and I've attached a version if anyone wants to check it out.
posts: 1
This modified file worked for me - Thanks!