fluidplugin error when creating test profile
New to tikiwiki.
Trying to create test "organization" profile tiki website. When running the apply process it appears that the fluid plugin isn't generating the look//feel/column structure for the test site.
When the site provides the initial test profiles/sites that you can view, the sites are shown with the css/html/columns/fonts/etc..
It almost appears that the bootstrap/fluid plugin isn't being run correctly.
Any thoughts/comments on this??
Hi Tom,
I kindly suggest to check if the issue has been reported at https://dev.tiki.org/Wishlist
If no please open a ticket at https://dev.tiki.org/Make-a-wish and eventually create an instance and paste the link to the item here. The more details you give (and make it easy for a developer to reproduce) more are the chances someone will fix the issue.
If it is critical for your project and you need this to be fix quickly you can hire a consultant that will fix and improve the functionalities for you : https://tiki.org/consultants