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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Email setup documentation

posts: 26

I'm looking for documentation to set up email from TikiWiki. This is a new installation (and I'm not familiar with the setup yet). The only email I've tried to send is for a password reminder I get a message saying the email is sent, but don't receive it. I am running on a virtual hosted server with sendmail facility.

Thanks in advance

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Hi Dan,

Check your senders email address on your Admin->General page. Some virtual hosters run spamassassin and could be configued to ignore emails.

Also some hosts dont allow the webserver itself to send the outgoing email, you may want to make sure that yours can.


posts: 26

> Damian:
> Hi Dan,
> Check your senders email address on your Admin->General page. Some virtual hosters run spamassassin and could be configued to ignore emails.
> Also some hosts dont allow the webserver itself to send the outgoing email, you may want to make sure that yours can.
> Damian

Thank you. I put in the senders address, but still no mail. I'll check with my hosting service, but they say in their help that I can use "/usr/sbin/sendmail -i -t" so I guess it will allow outgoing email if configured correctly.

posts: 26
Thank for your help. I'm now receiving email.

posts: 26

> Damian:
> Hi Dan,
> Check your senders email address on your Admin->General page. Some virtual hosters run spamassassin and could be configued to ignore emails.
> Also some hosts dont allow the webserver itself to send the outgoing email, you may want to make sure that yours can.
> Damian

Thank you. I put in the senders address, but still no mail. I'll check with my hosting service, but they say in their help that I can use "/usr/sbin/sendmail -i -t" so I guess it will allow outgoing email if configured correctly.

posts: 26
Thank for your help. I'm now receiving email.

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