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PluginLIST - How does "relation" filter work?

posts: 26

Thanks for your efforts Bernard. I will continue to experiment based on your advice. I'm seeing results like those below. The "relations" value starts with "token" and looks like a hashcode. How do I turn it into a qualifier like you used "tiki.link.related" ? I tried "tiki.semantic.participant", "tiki.semantic_link.participant", "participant", etc. Nothing worked.

Array (24)
id => "101"
object_type => "wiki page"
object_id => "Star Fire Program"
title => "Star Fire Program"
creation_date => "2021-03-01 17:36:39"
modification_date => "2021-03-04 07:48:37"
date => "2021-03-01 17:36:39"
language => "unknown"
view_permission => "tiki_p_view"
geo_located => "n"
allowed_groups => "tokenrpqtevrqrpatuytyuxdxwwwpbtaafzvt..."
relations => "tokenxxcppaqxabzebbwrubccxedudrbrrbup"
relation_types => "tokenrpfdbuaqtzupwwfbvpudqvdwywetdqzc"
relation_count => "tokenpzarxdxcyufxxcctqvcduurfybeczuxr"
title_initial => "S"
title_firstword => "Star"
searchable => "y"
url => "tiki-index.php?page=Star-Fire-Program"
contents => " Star Fire Program 2021-03-01 17:36..."
contributors => "tokenqpqrqfqywauwauawtrxytazetaxzpfcr"
page_id => "7"
comment_count => "0"
categories => "tokenctcatqrxazbyqrxqzdccuzyavfwuxtyb"
deep_categories => "tokenctcatqrxazbyqrxqzdccuzyavfwuxtyb"

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