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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

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Features / Usability

What is the best search configuration?

posts: 11 Ecuador
Jonny Bradley wrote:

Hi Dustin

The one you want is Unified Search (tiki-searchindex.php) - the old search should have been removed long ago to avoid this sort of confusion imho (it doesn't respect permissions and fails totally on large sites so i'm not sure how you mean it works better?)

I'm hoping it will be finally removed in Tiki 23 🙄

Result highlighting is a pref on the search control panel results tab i think... i think it's the one called "Highlight results pages" (not a good label)

Hello Jonny,

Thanks again! Maybe my last 22.x installation had a problem and because of that it seems Unified Search doesn't work; however, the pref "Highlight results pages" is still a mistery for me, since I don't get the highlighted text in the result page.

I'll will try with Tiki 21.2-4 😉

Happy easter!

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