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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Bulk permissions on Wiki Pages

posts: 29 United States

I setup a new group, which has all registered & editors rights. The idea is to create a set of private Wiki pages that only the members of that group can view and work with.
Wiki pages can be assigned permissions. I have tried this, and the permissions I want my group member to have are: p_view, p_edit and p_admin_wiki.
Is there any way to assign those permissions to a bunch of pages in-bulk? I know I can assign each page individually, but that is three mouse-clicks per page since the permission-selection control does not allow multiple selections. Thus, for 100 pages, that would be 300 individual assignments to be made.
Dr Magu

posts: 2881 United Kingdom


You could have those pages into a wiki structure and assign permissions on the whole structure. Apart from that, there is no way of bulk assigning permissions or permissions being inherited from linked pages.


posts: 29 United States

> You could have those pages into a wiki structure and assign permissions on the whole structure.
Yes, I have been reading about that. How do I assign perms to a structure though? I have not found that magical key yet.
Dr Magu

posts: 29 United States

> You could have those pages into a wiki structure and assign permissions on the whole structure.
Yes, I have been reading about that. How do I assign perms to a structure though? I have not found that magical key yet.
Dr Magu

posts: 1001 Canada
This feature is only available on HEAD code (not released).

posts: 29 United States

In fact, I made a mod to tiki-pagepermissions.php and .tpl. It lets me assign / unassign any and all of the 15 permissions per group for the page using check-boxes. That mod suits me right now, and I feel it makes the implementation of private pages for a group much more practical. I have such a group on our corporate site now, where we discuss and document IT stuff, including some sensitive information. I feel it is a worthwile mod. The question now is, do I submit that somewhere for others to look at? Please remember, I am new at TikiWiki and this community.
Dr Magu

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