How to move carousel to the center of the page?
hman wrote:
No, it's just a "classical" Tiki 3-container layout. In the left container there is the default menu ("42") and some modules, in the right-hand container some modules, in the center one the main wiki content. And on the start page the is the carousel.
Hi Hman!
I recommend that you use the Swiper plugin inside a Div plugin. The old Carousel Plugin has poor performance when loading images.
There is an example:
{DIV(class="row")} {DIV(class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" style="")} {DIV(class="row" style="text-align: center;")} {DIV(class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12")} {swiper fileIds="55,54,53,52" effect="slide" navigation="y" displayThumbnails="n" slidesPerView="1" loop="y" autoPlay="y" autoHeight="y" slidesPerColumnFill="column" centeredSlides="y" slideToClickedSlide="n" freeMode="n" preloadImages="y" updateOnImagesReady="y"} {DIV} {DIV} {DIV} {DIV}