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Contact us: Empty captcha value

posts: 3


We need tu use captchas on our tiki (21.1 at the moment, not updated to 22 due to php 7.4 problems impeding local testing)
it seems that there is a bug since tiki18: when using captcha, there is always an error message:"!invalid empty CPATCHA value", and no message is sent.
this can be seen there:
http://demo.tiki.org/21x/tiki-contact.php (21.3)
http://demo.tiki.org/20x/tiki-contact.php (20.4)
And we don't want to alternatively use a tracker contact form, for many reasons.
Anyway, is this officially a know bug?

How could this issue be solved? The contact form is really important for many organizations, this is indeed a basic fonctionality, how is it that this issue is unresolved for so long?

thanks for your help.

posts: 126891 United Kingdom

Hi pc/komalen

I'm pretty sure that's been fixed, can you try 21.4?

(demo.t.o says "Version 21.3vcs is no longer supported. A minor upgrade to 21.4 is strongly recommended.")


posts: 3
Jonny Bradley wrote:

Hi pc/komalen

I'm pretty sure that's been fixed, can you try 21.4?

(demo.t.o says "Version 21.3vcs is no longer supported. A minor upgrade to 21.4 is strongly recommended.")


Hi Jonny,
when I try the contact form with a 21.4 locally, there is still the empty captcha value message.

A workaround at the moment is to use google recaptcha, which I consider as an ethically dirty workaround. (Seriously, those guys ask my phone number tu use an email )

Do you know when/if demo.tiki.org will switch from 21.3 to 21.4?


posts: 11 Ecuador
komelen wrote:


We need tu use captchas on our tiki (21.1 at the moment, not updated to 22 due to php 7.4 problems impeding local testing)
it seems that there is a bug since tiki18: when using captcha, there is always an error message:"!invalid empty CPATCHA value", and no message is sent.
this can be seen there:
http://demo.tiki.org/21x/tiki-contact.php (21.3)
http://demo.tiki.org/20x/tiki-contact.php (20.4)
And we don't want to alternatively use a tracker contact form, for many reasons.
Anyway, is this officially a know bug?

How could this issue be solved? The contact form is really important for many organizations, this is indeed a basic fonctionality, how is it that this issue is unresolved for so long?

thanks for your help.

Hello @komelen!

I tryed with Tiki 21.0, 21.2, 21.4 and CAPTCHA doesn't work. However I've made a litle changes in some PHP/TPL files to make CAPTCHA works on Tiki 21.2.4 (attached zip file), but this fix affects anonymous comments (I had to disable this feature) and I have not tested the workaround on the entire platform.

Maybe you can apply this workaround while Tiki solves the issue if you don't require anonymous comments.


posts: 126891 United Kingdom
Dustin Ghia wrote:
I tryed with Tiki 21.0, 21.2, 21.4 and CAPTCHA doesn't work. However I've made a litle changes in some PHP/TPL files to make CAPTCHA works on Tiki 21.2.4 (attached zip file)...

Hi Dustin
Thanks for the fix but i think this is already fixed in 21.x and so will be in the next release, and should be in the daily build tarballs now.
The commit was this one https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/commit/20af1574 (hopefully) and it seems to work for me.

posts: 3
Jonny Bradley wrote:

Hi Dustin
Thanks for the fix but i think this is already fixed in 21.x and so will be in the next release, and should be in the daily build tarballs now.
The commit was this one https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/commit/20af1574 (hopefully) and it seems to work for me.

Hi Dustin & Jonny,

thank you for your help.
I had looked in the captchalib indeed, but had no time to really investigate. I've already modified some libs in order to improve I18n, which work great, but I'm just a beginner, and investigating zend was too much for me....
I am not familiar with the tiki upgrading process. If I understand, this means that we just have to wait the 21.5 in which the commit will be included, and there won't be any problems with anonymous comments. Am I right?
