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Features / Usability

Help: How to restore a backup?

posts: 4 Switzerland
Jonny Bradley wrote:

Wow, that's ancient, we just released 23.1 the other day!

In theory you should be able to upgrade (in a single step) from an old version of Tiki to the current one, maybe version 21 LTS would be a good one to try first?

The documentation is here https://doc.tiki.org/Upgrade but maybe come and chat at https://gitter.im/tiki-org/community if you want some real time help on this - i should be there on and off over the weekend (but not today, sorry)

Thank you, very appreciated! But wouldn't it be necessary to resolve my initial issue first? I guess I cannot update to a current version until I was able to make the backup up and running again. This is my main problem at the moment. I have set up the lamp server as described above but when I try to call the TikiWiki website I only get this error message:
Any hints what the problem could be? I have just copied over the backup files as described in my initial post. Maybe some sql databse access permission restrictions? I have no idea.

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