Google Font necessary?
Hi all,
I just set up a private community site with Tiki (just updated 21 to 24).
To avoid data protection issue in EU I'd like to remove the link to the Google font in the CSS of the FiveAlive theme. In the past sans serif fonts were defined via HELVETICA and ARIAL.
Since I have no clue of CSS in general and bootstrap definiton in particular (I did some plain html sites 20 years ago, but no CSS, php and so on) I don't know if Google only spends the font optic here or if there is more behind the line
@import url("//");
The word "Google" shows up in the CSS file only in that line and in a comment, "Lato" shows up 8 times and could be replaced easily by Helvetica, Arial (and maybe one or two others like Verdana).
Could I simply delete the import line and replace the Font name - or would I crash other elements of the theme?
Thanks and
best regards